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Chris Seigel_7105

Position: Lieutenant_Engineer
Email Address:
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 278, Sedgewickville, MO 63781

When did you know you wanted to be a First Responder (Fire/Medical)? It started when I was first invited to join and then the more training that I received the more and more I wanted to be involved.

Where were you born and raised? Where is home now? I was born and raised in Western NY where I spent 21 years. In 2009, I moved to MO and now live in the Sedgewickville Area.

Tell us about your family: My little groups consists of my wife and I and our five children, who all love seeing the fire apparatuses.

How do you enjoy spending your leisure time? I usually spend my down time camping during the summer, along with participating n outdoor activities.

What do you like about being a First Responder (Fire/Medical)? The challenges, as the situations are always different and being able to help the community.

May contain: face, head, person, photography, portrait, clothing, t-shirt, shirt, adult, male, and man


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